India - Jhodpur, the blue city  - The city of Jhodpur, India, is defined as "the blue city" due to its very numerous houses painted blue, a color once reserved for the Brahmin caste. 
Charm and history exude from its architecture and its many murals that recall rich and glorious ancient times. 
A very intimate journey to discover the beauty of an everyday life strongly imbued with a past that is still present. (2024)
India  - Il nome Attar deriva  dalla parola "Itr" che in lingua persiana/araba significa profumo, fragranza celestiale.
Nella capitale indiana dei profumi, Kannauj, si producono gli olii essenziali con metodi millenari rimasti intatti fino ai giorni nostri.
Rose damascene, hennè, gelsomino e molti altri fiori, con erbe, spezie e   svariate essenze legnose, sono le basi di questi pregiatissimi profumi esportati in tutto il mondo.
Ma uno su tutti contraddistingue questo luogo, il Mitti Attar , il "profumo della pioggia".         

Ladakh - INDIA  - An intimate and adventurous journey in Indian Ladakh crossing spectacular panoramas in search of a thousand-year-old Buddhist monastery of marvelous beauty 
lost in the Himalayan mountains. 
Avulsed from the modern world, tranquility and inner peace reign supreme. 
A mystical and mysterious place, a meeting of cultures and religions that recalls the fantastic "Shangri-La" described in James Hilton's novel. (2024)
Iceland - About 20 million years ago, emerging from the depths of the ocean, an island that did not exist began to form.                                                                   
Iceland, one of the most recently formed lands on the planet.
Generated by the unstoppable forces of nature and in perpetual changement, this land fascinates us for its primordial landscapes of extraordinary beauty, but also for its beating heart of molten rock which periodically shows itself on the surface with spectacular eruptions. (2023)
Nepal - Between the western slope of the Himalayas and the southern slopes of Annapurna, in Nepal, live the Gurung, a people of Mongolian-Tibetan ethnicity.
A tradition handed down for generations distinguishes them for their daring hunt for the huge beehives built on the bare rock, suspended in the void.
In these plateaus, at an altitude of 2500 metres, the largest bees in the world produce a honey with hallucinogenic properties... the honey of the gods.
India - On the 15th day of the month of Kartika of the Hindu lunar calendar, between October and November, the most important annual festival of Hinduism occurs: Diwali, the festival of lights. Festivities and lights illuminate homes and streets across India. A journey to a very poor village, where the centuries-old tradition of the festival still maintains its ancient characteristics and has not yet given way to modernity. (2023)
Dhanbad - Jaharia - Jharkhand - INDIA  - In Jharia in the State of Jharkhand in India, the depths of the earth have been burning for over a century. 
The fire devours the subsoil, the ground collapses, engulfing the houses of the poor villages overlooking an open-cast coal mine, one of the largest in the country. 
Every day, men, women and children illegally collect native coal to transform it for domestic use and resell it. 
Their source of survival. (2021)
Sumatra island - The meaning of “Pacu Jawi” in the local Minangkabau language is running of the bulls. 
Every year, four rice farming villages on the Indonesian island of Sumatra celebrate the harvest through an ancestral tradition marked by competitions of pairs of young bulls 
led by jockeys, running in the rice fields submerged by the water.
 About two hundred participants, of different ages, but only a few manage to complete the crossing. 
The craziest and most spectacular competition in Asia. (2021)
A journey back in time in the mythical Iran to discover some ancient villages, and unknown to most, which still preserve, in addition to the very particular architecture, 
a way of life almost unchanged for many centuries. 
It seems that time has forgotten about these incredible places and its inhabitants. (2021)
The Indonesian island of Java is known as the land of numerous and majestic active volcanoes and other dormant ones that reawaken periodically.
These giants have shaped the territory and over the centuries also affected the work of man.
But, exploring the island in more remote areas, you can also encounter other natural wonders and tribes who, proudly,
 they continue to live in the deep jungle isolated from the modern world. (2021)
A journey through the millenary history of ancient Persia, witnessed by "pearls" of history, ancient religions, centuries-old works unchanged over time, splendid architecture and extraordinary underground hydraulic engineering works, which have characterized a civilization among the most important and refined of the ancient world. (2021)
In the deep jungle of the island of Siberut, in Indonesia, there are some clans of an almost primitive tribe, the Mentawai. 
A tribe proud of their traditions and ways of life that try to resist modernity in every way. Isolated from the civilized world they live on what the jungle offers them. 
Kuki, an old shaman will accompany us in the discovery of their way of life. (2020)
Persia, today's Iran, is a country known for its mythical cities and its millennial history, rather than for its natural beauty. 
Outside the classic tourist destinations, a journey through its immense plateau will allow us to appreciate some of its mostly unknown natural beauties. 
The rainbow mountains of the north, the Kaluts (sand castles) in the Lut desert and the wonder of the islands in the far south are just a few examples 
of the extraordinary beauty of a country waiting to be discovered. (2019)
Angkor is the most important archaeological site in Cambodia. Built between the 9th and 15th centuries AD. it hosted the capital of the Khmer Empire, 
of which it was the religious and political center.
After the city was abandoned in the 16th century, it was engulfed by the jungle and fell into oblivion.
Rediscovered after about three centuries, it generated the myth of the “lost city in the jungle” in the West.
A mysterious charm continues to envelop this carved gem where unexpected “treasures and wonders” can be discovered. (2019)
One hundred and thirty-five ethnic groups are present in Myanmar. 
A mixture of different cultures, traditions, customs and languages. 
A journey to discover the main ethnic groups that live in the north of the country while maintaining ancient customs and traditions. (2018)
Mother land, this is the meaning of the word Pachamama in the Quechua language, the ancient language of the Inca people. 
A journey through the natural beauties of the Andean territory to discover majestic landscapes that stretch up to 6,700 meters above sea level, 
where the Incas have left indelible evidence of their extraordinary civilization. (2018)
Isola di Java - Indonesia  - Island of Java, Indonesia, land of majestic and imposing volcanoes. Extraordinary protagonists of the force of nature that man has been challenging for a long time. 
In a hellish environment, night and day, fearless "warriors" extract from the IJEN volcano, part of the precious treasure that flows from its bowels, 
pure sulfur ... the devil's gold. (2018)
Even before sunrise, the medina of Fes and Marrakech begin to come alive for the new day that begins. 
A frenetic swarm of men, women, children and animals pervades the heart of the ancient citadels. 
A slice of everyday life between voices, sounds and beautiful colors. (2017)
The Shwedagon Golden Pagoda is Yangon's most important monument and the holiest pilgrimage site for Buddhists in Myanmar. 
It is above all spirituality where tens of thousands of pilgrims, monks, nuns and ordinary people, through meditation, prayers and ritual offerings to the Buddha, openly manifest their "light in the soul" ..., the faith. (2017)
In Myanmar, a centuries-old tradition, has characterized women belonging to the Chin ethnic group for tattoos, in the shape of a spider web, on the face. 
Applied from a very young age, it seems they were intended to make them less attractive to avoid kidnappings and keep ethnicity intact. 
Prohibited since the 1960s, these elderly women today represent the last evidence of a world that will soon disappear with them (2017)
In Burma temples and stupas, dedicated to the Buddha, are an integral part of the environment and landscape. 
Bagan, the ancient capital of the country in the twelfth century, has more than three thousand on its plain, each with numerous statues dedicated to the "Enlightened" inside. 
Scattered throughout the country, temples, caves, natural caves, or hypogea carved into the rock, are the sacred places frequented by the monks and the Burmese people. (2017)
"Bhikkhu" in the ancient Pali language means "monks". 
An exciting journey to meet some of them in different monasteries of Myanmar where they live according to the ancient teachings of the Buddha. 
Their simplicity and happiness of mind has left an indelible mark on us. (2017)
In Maras in Peru, since the time of the Incas, the salty waters that flow from the mountain are collected and left to evaporate in thousands of tanks built on its slope. 
In an almost surreal place for its incredible beauty, the "salineros", with hard work, extract the precious salt ... the white gold of the Incas. (2017)
A fascinating journey to discover a small mysterious island scattered in the southern hemisphere of the Earth, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. 
Uncontaminated beauties of a nature that with its strength has beautifully shaped and colored rocks and cliffs. 
Unique testimonies of a people who have left mysterious presences, the Moai, in memory of an extraordinary past. (2016)
On the 21st of June, the day of the austral winter solstice, in a unique setting at the cyclopean fortress of Sacsayhuaman in Cusco (Peru), 
the ancient Inca religious festival of Inti Raymi is celebrated, the Festival of the Sun in the Quechua language. 
A splendid recalling imbued with an intense historical and cultural significance that fully involves the participants and current descendants of the Inca empire. (2016)
Chinchero, 30 km from Cusco, Peru, is a village that stands on the ruins of an ancient Inca settlement. 
A very colorful and full of life place that comes alive particularly during the Sunday market. 
On this day, the inhabitants of neighboring villages descend to the village wearing colorful traditional costumes, to sell goods of all kinds, from crafts to agricultural products. (2015)
The ancient medina of Chefchaouen, in Morocco, is set between the mountains and the sky whose brilliant shades of blue 
seem to have harmoniously crept into much of the irregular and bizarre architecture. 
Its alleys are enchanted places teeming with life with absolutely original and unique features. 
The atmosphere is truly magical. (2015)
Fes, the ancient political and cultural capital of Morocco from the eighth to the nineteenth century. contains, within its mysterious medina,
the Chouara district, the very symbol of the city for its outdoor tanneries, where the manual leather tanning activity, handed down over the centuries, still operates today.
Ancient actions, hard work, dignity and pride of people, generate skins, among the best in the world, in a surreal scenario that originates in the distant Middle Ages. (2015)
A fascinating journey inside the medinas of Fes and Marrakech, in search of the ancient crafts and works of artists who in the past were able to build splendid architecture and objects. 
In places that have remained unchanged over the centuries, the descendants of the ancient masters, in a riot of colors, perpetuate the ancient wisdom. (2014)
The splendid 13th century church of San Pietro, built by the Republic of Genoa, in Italy, with a black and white banded face, portrayed here with the unusual colors of the sea immediately after a storm, its particular architectures make Portovenere a place with a unique charm. (2014)
A reference to the extraordinary ancient Egyptian civilization to give dignity to today's woman. 
Incomparable images of female figures immortalized by the wise artists of the past in temples and tombs are a counterbalance 
to today's images taken in the daily life of the villages. (2013)