Archaeology and History

The ancient Egyptians believed in a life after death, very similar to that lived on earth. The cult of the dead was central to their life.
The northern pyramids, some with texts engraved inside, the royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings, near ancient Thebes, with religious-themed paintings and bas-reliefs
and even more the tombs of the Nobles, with splendid paintings of scenes of everyday life,
they show us the incomparable engineering but above all artistic level achieved by this extraordinary multi-thousand-year-old civilization. (2016)
Egypt, the cradle of one of the most important civilizations of the past, has left us the most impressive and splendid archaeological remains of the ancient world. 
Three thousand years of history, 30 dynasties and almost 300 pharaohs who have built magnificent temples for the worship of the main Egyptian gods. 
A trip to visit the temples of Karnak and Luxor, the main cult places of the god Amun, which still reveal traces of the original colors of thousands of years ago, and to the quarries of Jebel el Silsila, where the splendid sandstone was extracted used to build them. (2016)
A journey back in the history of the CAI, Italian Alpine Club, Section of Montebelluna from 2016 to 1926 through recent and historical photos of the various protagonists, 
taken from the substantial photographic archive, to celebrate the 90th anniversary of its establishment. (2016)
Egitto - Near ancient Thebes, today's Luxor, beyond the west bank of the Nile, the most important Egyptian pharaohs of the New Kingdom, 
had colossal and magnificent temples built for their funerary worship. 
In Abidos, the place of the greatest cult of Osiris, god of the dead, you can admire the imposing cenotaph of Pharaoh Sethi I, father of Ramesses II, 
which preserves the most splendid painted bas-reliefs in all of Egypt. 
These funerary temples were called "Temples of millions of years" because, in the intent of the builders, they should have existed for eternity. (2016)